

since 05.09.2023

On September 5, 2023, Deutschlandradio Kultur broadcast from 00:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the program New Music
with the title Die Flötistin und der Komponist (The Flutist and the Composer), a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde.
The program can still be heard in the Deutschlandradio Kultur media library (link above and in the picture)

14.01.2024, 04:05 - 05:00 a.m.,



die neue Platte XL


On January 14, 2024, Deutschlandfunk will broadcast in the program die neue Platte XL from 4:05 a.m. to 5:00 a.m

"karg" by Natalia Solomonoff, played by the Duo Reflexion K - Beatrix Wagner, flute and Gerald Eckert, cello.



Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello












Natalia Solomomoff - © Gerald Eckert
© Txuca Pereira























16.02.2024, 08.00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde


„Über das Rätselhafte“ ("About the mysterious")


While working on "Air mit Sphinxes", Nicolaus A. Huber had the opportunity to listen to Robert Schumann's piano work "Carnaval" live in concert and was captivated by the mysteriousness of the Sphinx melodies it contains:
The riddle of the environment, the riddle of length as a melodic tone, the riddle of repetition and also the riddle of the sphinxes' own structure, the limbs.
For him, “sphinx-like” means the high, deep, wide and full in his piece, without being wide, deep, high and full.
The enigma in Gerald Eckert's “An den Rändern des Maßes” is presented differently:
Energy states that arise from shattered sound fields and the aesthetic qualities of their remains. The interior is veiled, the sonic reality overshadows the origin and makes the core itself “virtual”. Interspersed harmonic fields show a tendency to volatilize as soon as they are created. Moments of pause are accompanied by an increase in fragility.
With a large cast, the Ensemble Reflexion tries to get to the bottom of the enigma in both works and first presents the audience with excerpts from “Air mit Sphinxes” and “An den Rändern des Maßes” before playing both compositions in full length in the concert situation presents.

Nicolaus A. Huber
"Air mit Sphinxes" (1987) for large ensemble
Gerald Eckert
"An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005/ 11) for two enseble groups

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
Beatrix Wagner, flute
Enrico Raphaelis, oboe

Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Jakob Meyers - bassoon

Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn

Halleyn Ruiz Polo, tummpet

Matthias Jann, trombone

André Wittmann, percussion
Jonathan Shapiro, percussion
Lara Meyer-Struthoff, harp
Daria-Karmina Iossifova-Molier, piano
Rui C. Antunes - violin
Desheng Chen, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola

Uschik Choi, violoncello

Heiko Maschmann, contrabass

Gerald Eckert, direction

© Ines Herzmann

22.02.2024, 12:05 - 01:00 a.m.

Deutschlandradio Kultur



On 22. February 2024, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 12:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the series Neue Musik

excerpts from the two concerts of the Duo Reflexion K - Beatrix Wagner, flute and Gerald Eckert, violoncello - at the Klangwerkstatt Festival in Berlin on 18. and 19. November 2023



Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023) (excerpts)

for flute and violoncello













© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

09.03.2024, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
The broadcast Atelier neuer Musik


The Deutschlandfunk broadcast can still be listened for 30 days: 
Atelier neuer Musik

Randzonen, Erstarrungen, Brüche - Gerald Eckerts neuere Ensemblemusiken


"späte Gegend" for orchestra
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics
"ferne Tiefe" for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape
"Nacht, die fallende" for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics















15.03.2024, 08:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde




25.04.2024, 08:00 p.m.
Vonderau Museum, Fulda


„Über dunkle Energien und leere Räume“ ("About dark energies and empty rooms")


Dark energies are the starting point for the work cycle “energeia aphanés” by Michael Quell. In astrophysics, this mysterious phenomenon serves as a hypothetical attempt to explain the observed increasing speed of expansion of the universe, which otherwise stands in clear contradiction to the gravitational effects caused by matter. Its existence has not yet been proven, so it itself cannot be observed, but, like dark matter, it essentially determines the space-time structure of the universe.
In the works of the same name, this idea becomes a symbol of a musically aesthetic world whose actual control principles remain consistently hidden, but whose results determine the world of experience. Space, time and the idea of ​​time dissolution play a central role.


Michael Quell
"energeia aphanés II" (2018) for contrabassclarinet and accordion
Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo
Michael Quell
"energeia aphanés III - physis" (2019)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and accordion
Gerald Eckert
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, (percussion) and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Neza Torkar, accordion
Sungkum-Jennie Yang - violin
Uschik Choi - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ direction


27.04.2024, 07:00 p.m.
Schöppingen, Artist village, gallery




07.06.2024, 07:30 p.m.
Lauenburg, Artists Residence




Works by the current composition scholarship holders Zara Ali and Gerald Eckert from the Künstlerdorf Schöppingen and the Künstlerhaus Lauenburg with connections to their teachers and other composers who are close to their thinking and composing or who also form a great contrast to it.


Zara Ali
"Red City" (2020) for electronics/ tape
Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo
Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet, electronics and tape
Mark Barden
"personæ" (2009) for bassflute and bassclarinet
Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Nicolaus A. Huber
"Blanco y Verde" (2018) for flute and clarinet 

Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute(s)
Joachim Striepens, clarinet(s)
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics
© Ensemble Reflexion K





Tues. 30.07.202408:00 p.m.

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde



„Über das Rätselhafte II“ ("About the enigmatic II")



The world is beautiful and cruel, simple and mysterious at the same time. “Über das Rätselhafte II” tries to make this audible: the delicate lines of a single flower as well as the dawn transformed into a rush of sound.  Superposition of waves, in water as well as in sound, their pulsation and their entanglements. 

And again and again man, striving for knowledge and enlightenment and yet so destructive in his actions.





Anna Korsun 

„Pulsar“ (2014) for organ and voice


Gerald Eckert

„Verschränkung – ins Offene“ (2024) for contrabassflute and electronics (german premiere)


Makiko Nishikaze 

„a solitary flower comes out“ (1997) for altflute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert

“Interferenz I” (2004) version for flute, organ, violoncello and electronics


Pablo Araya 

„37“ (2023) for bassflute and violoncello 


Gerald Eckert

„Aube“ (2006) for organ





Katja Kanowski, organ

Beatrix Wagner, flute

Gerald Eckert - violoncello



Concert introduction to the “Nach dem Markt” series on Saturday, July 27th. 2024 at 12:30 p.m in the Schleswig-Holstein Artists’ Residence “Otte 1”
















































































































































































































Friday, 21.07.2023, 7:00 p.m.
Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1
"Summer concert"


The Argentinian composer Ceferino García received a short-term grant from the Künstlerhaus Eckernförde for July 2023 and will be there during this period. For this reason we present him in this year's summer concert. In addition to Beatrix Wagner and Gerald Eckert, the lutenist Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen, who is a friend of Ceferino García, will make a decisive contribution to the concert and perform a work for lute and electronics by García and a suite in C major by the baroque composer Silvius Leopold Weiss.



Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen           baroque lute
Ceferino García                                    electronics 

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner                                    flute 
Gerald Eckert                                       violoncello 






Gerald Eckert                                         „Nôéma“ for violoncello solo


Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen            „Passacaglia“ (historical oriented improvisation)


Ceferino García                                     „Escucha el viento“ for flute and violoncello


Silvius Leopold Weiss                           „Suite in C" for baroque lute solo


Ceferino García                                     „Passacaglia“ for lute and electronics

                                                                 Produced with the support of the NATIONAL FUND FOR THE ARTS


Gerald Eckert                                         „Nen VII“ for flute, violoncello and electronics

Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen - © Imke Gründler
Ceferino García
Beatrix Wagner / Gerald Eckert - © Holger Ceglars



 20.08.2022, 9:05 - 11:00 p.m.,


On August 20th, 2023 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 9. international Provinzlärm Festival 2023

Compositions from Karmella Tsepkolenko, 

Julia Gomelskaya, 

Volodoymyr Runchak, 

Maxim Kolomiiets, a.o.


Ensemble senza sforzando
direction: Oleksandr Perepelytsia

Ensemble Reflexion K
direction: Gerald Eckert


© Ines Herzmann





03.09.2023, 02.05 - 03.00 a.m.,

Deutschlandfunk is broadcasting recordings from concerts at the 8th International Provinzlärm Festival 2022

Works by Liisa Hirsch (“Canvas”) and Arvo Pärt (“Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten”)
norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K
Leitung: Gerald Eckert
© Michael Jordan

05.09.2023, 00:05 - 01:00 a.m.,

Deutschlandradio Kultur



On September 5, 2023, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 00:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the program New Music

with the title Die Flötistin und der Komponist (The Flutist and the Composer), a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde



23.09.2023, 08:00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde 
„Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen“
A concert with the composition scholar of the Artist Residence Elnaz Seyedi

Macarena Rosmanich le Roy "Un Grito" (2019)

for flute. clarinet, piano, violin and violincello


Elnaz Seyedi "Postkarte (Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen)" (2016)

for alto flute, clarinet, cello and piano


Sami Klemola "D i v e r g e n c e" (2003-2004)

for clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and violincello


Pabo Araya "Entre Palmira y Tikal hay una bóveda de mosaicos […]" (2020)

for bass flute, violin and cello


Gerald Eckert "gefaltetes Moment" (1997/ 98)

for flute, clarinet, percussion, violin and violincello


Pierre Boulez "Derive" (1984)

for flute, clarinet, vibraphone, piano, violin and violincello

Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Holger Roese, percussion

Martin von der Heydt, Klavier

Rui C. Antunes, violin
Uschik Choi, violoncello

Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ direction

© Roya Noorinezhad

October 2023
Concert tour Argentina


Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Gerald Eckert, violoncello


06.10.2023, 04:00 p.m.,

Rosario/ Arg., University
Workshop and presentation CD Natalia Solomonoff

Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello











© Holger Ceglars


Salta/ Arg.
12:00 a.m., Esquela Superior de Musica
Workshop / lecture
06:30 p.m., Palazzo Zorilla

Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   wp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "fuori" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Ceferino García "¡Escucha el Viento!" (2019)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021/ 23) 1. movement  wp

for bassflute and violoncello


Juan Campoverde Q. "Cantos II" (2020)

for flute and violoncello


Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   wp

for flute and violoncello






Salta/ Arg.
09:00 p.m., Fundación Salta

Gerald Eckert "Aux mains de l'espace" (1993)

for 4-channel-tape


Christopher Cree Brown "Sound Cylinder" (1996/ 97)

for flute and electronics/ tape


Clemens von Reusner "Ideale Landschaſt Nr. 6" (2020)

for tape


Gerald Eckert "Nôéma" (1992/ 93)

for violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape








Córdoba/ Arg.
07:00 p.m., Centro Cultural de la UNC

Gerald Eckert "Nôéma" (1992/ 93)

for violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape


Christopher Cree Brown "Sound Cylinder" (1996/ 97)

for flute and electronics/ tape


Clemens von Reusner "Anamorphosis" (2018)

for tape


Gerald Eckert "Interferenz III" (2013)

for tape


Ceferino García "Ausenciapresente" (2019)

for electronics/ tape


Basilio Del Boca "toErard" (2022)

for electronics/ tape


César Alarcón "Móvil Home/Recover" (2023)

for electronics / live-performance




© Txuca Pereira


Córdoba/ Arg.
10:00 a.m., Pabellón México (Facultad de Artes - UNC)
Workshop / lecture
08:00 p.m., Aula Magna del Colegio Monserrat (UNC) 

Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   wp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "fuori" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Ceferino García "¡Escucha el Viento!" (2019)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021/ 23) 1. movement  wp

for bassflute and violoncello


Juan Campoverde Q. "Cantos II" (2020)

for flute and violoncello


Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   wp

for flute and violoncello





04.11.2023, 06.00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1

Night of dance and theatre



Dance and music with Lisa McGuire (dance), Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (cello)

A concert in a special constellation. A counterpart between dance and instrumental expression. Lisa McGuire, the Austrian dancer who already performed at this year's Provinzlärm Festival in Eckernförde, forms the dance counterpoint to the sound spheres.
© Ines Herzmann

Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape


Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   gp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen X" (2011)

for dance, violoncello and electronics/ tape


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   gp

for flute and violoncello





Lisa McGuire, dance 

Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute

Gerald Eckert, violoncello


© Ines Herzmann

18.11.2023, 08.30 p.m.,

Klangwerkstatt Berlin, Festival für Neue Musik

Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1

"Gran Duo"



Focus Duo is a four-part festival series that exclusively presents purely instrumental duo compositions.


In the Duo Reflexion K, the Ensemble Reflexion K, one of the outstanding ensembles in contemporary music, concentrates on its core and starting point. It is the two founders of the ensemble - the flautist Beatrix Wagner and the composer and cellist Gerald Eckert - who come together in this duo and develop programs of a very special kind.


In their first concert at this year's festival, the focus is on a single composer and a single work: the premiere of Stefan Streich's Gran Duo. It is the broad arcs, the proliferation of processes and states, of individual sounds and mixtures, of figures and surfaces, of static durations and dramatic developments that interest the composer. The music is a permanent in-between, a constant both-and: it jumps and glides between narrative figures and abstract textures, between clusters and tonalities, tone and noise. The instruments are often narrow and parallel, like a two-part solo instrument, and sometimes wide, like a mini orchestra. Opposites here are not contradictions, but rather two sides of the same coin.


Gran Duo is more of a colloid than a sound chemical solution. It is difficult to say whether the sounds are only distributed very finely or dissolve completely, whether the progressions are stringent or chaotic. The result, ideally, is a third one either way.


Gran Duo lasts approximately 80 minutes and consists of nine parts between three and 18 minutes.



Stefan Streich
Gran Duo (2021 – 2023) WP
for bassflute/flute and violoncello
I – II – III – IV

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner – flute 
Gerald Eckert – violoncello




© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

19.11.2023, 05.30 p.m.,

Klangwerkstatt Berlin, Festival für Neue Musik

Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1



Focus Duo is a four-part festival series that exclusively presents purely instrumental duo compositions.


In the second concert by the Duo Reflexion K at the Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2023, two pieces confront each other. The polar approach focuses on the idea of ​​concentration. It is an evening of fragile sounds. Complex overtone mixtures and what is just audible explore the acoustic and architectural space. Perception oscillates between not-yet, presence and no-longer.
Composizione per flauto e violoncello (2017) is the name of the central 45-minute piece written by the Italian composer Emiliano Turazzi for the duo. The intentional fragility of the sounds, the uncertainty, creates enormous tension when listening, especially in the contrasts of dynamics and the alternation between static and impulsive sections. The music seems to arise “unpredictably” from the moment. Similar to Gerald Eckert's Duo Nachtbogen (2001): He works with sound states that, at the moment of their creation, already show a tendency to disappear - evanescent spaces between worlds.



Gerald Eckert
Nachtbogen (2001)
for flute and violoncello

Emiliano Turazzi
Composizione per flauto e violoncello (2017)
for flute and violoncello
Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner – flute 
Gerald Eckert – violoncello






© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

22.11.2023, 00:12 - 02:00 a.m.,

Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra by Gerald Eckert
Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
direction: Gerald Eckert

25.11.2023, 06.00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1

Night of Music

"Alpha waves"

Music with Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (cello). Music for alert ears to be touched by the muse in a relaxed manner...

Gerald Eckert "Nachtbogen" (2001)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023)

for flute and violoncello




Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, Flöte

Gerald Eckert, Violoncello








© Olesia Saienko
Ensemble Reflexion K 0